HISTORY Of FCEA And The C.P.E. & C.C.E. Exams
In the late 1970’s to early 1980’s, electrolysis franchises were beginning to disband leaving many electrologists to work in solitude. As a result, several electrologists collaborated together to create an association of Canadian Electrolysis Associations to tie the Canadian Provincial Associations together. In 1982, Frank Kovacs registered the Federation of Canadian Electrolysis Associations (fcea.org). While each provincial association runs their business independently, the FCEA is the umbrella to coordinate education, provide support and ensure electrologists within each provincial association have the opportunity to earn a Canadian registered designation of electrolysis.
In 1989, a curriculum for electrolysis training and the Canadian Certified Electrologist exam were developed and registered with the Canadian government. The proctored exam covers theory of electrolysis, electricity, skin and hair as well as a practical segment. Due to advancements in technology, in 2009 the CCE became the Canadian Professional Electrologist (CPE). Both continue to be registered with Industry Canada.
Like many esthetics, electrolysis is not regulated in Canada. Those who practice electrolysis diligently, obtain the CCE or CPE designation. This demonstrates to their clients that they have the ability and perform within Canadian health and safety standards.
To this day, the Directors of each provincial association meet regularly to ensure the integrity and management of the FCEA is upheld.

C.P.E. (Certified Professional Electrologist) and C.C.E. (Certified Canadian Electrologist)
The Canadian recognized C.P.E. exam is owned and operated by the FCEA. This is the only exam that is recognized in Canada. FCEA advises that aspiring electrologists be wary of any association using a foreign and unrecognized version of the C.P.E.
The designations and initials C.P.E. (Certified Professional Electrologist) and C.C.E. (Certified Canadian Electrologist) have been awarded by Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, Registrar of Trademarks, as well as Copyright, and can be used and recognized across Canada. The use of the designation and initials C.P.E. and C.C.E. may be awarded in Canada only by the FCEA.
The certification designation/title C.P.E. and C.C.E. is the property of the FCEA in Canada and the F.C.E.A. has the power to revoke the said designation/title in the event of non-compliance and/or standards as from time to time set by the FCEA.
The Certified Professional Electrologist examination has been designed as a procedure for electrologists who wish to be identified with a professional organization of their peers.
The examination assures a standardized performance level and knowledge base.
Successful completion of the exam(s) entitles the electrologist to include the initials C.P.E. and/or C.C.E. after their name.
These initials C.P.E. and C.C.E. indicate the electrologist has satisfied a board of examiners and is a member in good standing.
The C.P.E. Exam
The C.P.E. theoretical examination component consists of 100 multiple-choice questions covering all subjects pertaining to the field of electrolysis. To ensure the integrity of the exam and to make certain no two exams are the same, the exam is computer generated from a database of a possible 401 questions. These questions test the knowledge of all challenging the exam and require a pass mark of 65%.
The C.P.E. practical examination component tests the level of skill of the examinee in both the thermolysis and blend methods. Examinees are required to provide a model with sufficient hair growth to fulfill the treatment requirements